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Research continues to demonstrate that young people who experience extended care through a variety of foster care and other settings have better outcomes in terms of rates of homelessness and housing instability, juvenile or criminal justice involvement, educational attainment, engagement in needed support services such as behavioral health services, and job training and employment.

Northern’s four residential programs provide high-quality care, effective supportive services, and the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and youth in each of the unique programs. ​​All four are accessible to all children, youth, and families, with services tailored to meet the needs of every resident, whether those be cultural, linguistic, educational, sexual identity-based, or intersectional.

  • Generations I

    Generations I is our group foster care program for pregnant and/or parenting young women up to age 21.

    Generation 1

    Generations I serves young women in foster care who are pregnant and/or parenting. This state-licensed, Specialized Settings* designated residential group program provides direct and/or referred comprehensive support during and after pregnancy, including access to pre-natal, post-partum, pediatric health and dental care, classes in healthy parenting and healthy relationships, substance abuse prevention and intervention, and individual and group behavioral health services. Enrolling/re-enrolling in school, staying there, doing well, and completing academic goals towards their futures are also critical supports that Northern provides, not only through our direct work but also through volunteer tutors and external partnerships. Residents are referred through the Department of Human Services' Central Referral Unit.

    For more information, please contact Aaron Prince, Director of Residential Programs at 215-482-1423 ext. 1162 or

    *Specialized Setting is a licensing designation awarded through the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services under the 55 Pa. Code £ Chapter 3800.5. This certification supports Northern’s work to elevate the quality of care for those children, youth, and families through trauma-informed care, increased and enhanced training for staff and residents specific to these settings.

    Generation 1
  • Crossroads@Northern

    Crossroads@Northern is a program that serves young people ages 18-21 who are transitioning to adulthood


    Young people in this program are eighteen years old and older and did not seek a court-ordered board extension at the time they aged out of the DHS foster care system at age eighteen, which would have allowed them to remain in the system until age 21, ensuring that they have viable transition or permanency plans in place with strong and viable family or extended family connections that are safe and supportive.

    As such, these youth have petitioned the court to be brought back under the care of DHS through a Resumption of Jurisdiction (ROJ). This allows them to access needed resources like single independent living or placement in a family foster care home.

    Crossroads, a state-licensed, Specialized Settings* program, works to provide young people with temporary but stable housing as they wait for their court dates. Once approved for the ROJ, they transition to a permanent, healthy living situation.

    Residents are referred through the Philadelphia Department of Human Services.

    For more information about any of our residential programs, please contact Aaron Prince, Director of Residential Programs at 215-482-1423 ext. 1162 or

    *Specialized Setting is a licensing designation awarded through the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services under the 55 Pa. Code £ Chapter 3800.5. This certification supports Northern’s work to elevate the quality of care for those children, youth, and families through trauma-informed care, increased and enhanced training for staff and residents specific to these settings.

  • Generations II

    Generations II is a transitional housing program that serves young mothers (aged 18-24) who have up to two children and are at imminent risk of homelessness.

    Generations 2

    These young women work to stabilize their families and realize self-reliance and increased independence through case management, life-skills coaching, individual and group therapy, and connections to resources that help them with milestones such as completion of a high school diploma or GED, job preparation and employment. The average stay is 12-18 months, with the goal of moving these young women to independent living.

    Eight young mothers reside in four shared, four-bedroom suites in our Weinberg Building. Residents are referred through the Philadelphia Department of Human Services' Prevention Division.

    For more information about any of our residential programs, please contact Aaron Prince, Director of Residential Programs at 215-482-1423 ext. 1162 or

    Generations 2
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